Gardening Resources
Gardening Guides and Tips
Canadian Organic Growers Soil Fertility Guide
Potato Growing Tips from a local Yellowknife gardener
Seeds of Success gardening tips from a local gardener
Notes from the 2010 Seed Saving Qorkshop
InFARMation is an agricultural newsletter published regularly by the Yukon Government.
Yukon Government Publications (there are many)
Links from presentations made at 2011 Fall Harvest Fair and Territorial Farmers Association weekend activities and AGM in Yellowknife, September 9-10, 2011 Urban Agriculture and the New Food Revolution with Jennifer Cockrall-King Lessons in Food Security
On-line Seed Ordering
Seeds of Diversity Seed Resource List
This is a Canadian volunteer organization that conserves the biodiversity and traditional knowledge of food crops and garden plants.
Their resource list is extensive, containing dozens of seed companies across Canada.
West Coast Seeds (BC - Many non-GMO, organic, and heirloom seeds)
Vesey's Seeds (PEI)
Full Circle Seeds (BC - Organic Seeds)
Farmers, Community Gardens, and Greenhouses North of 600
Food Security in the NWT and Canada
Yellowknife Food Rescue is an organisation in Yellowknife dedictated to rescuing surplus or discarded food from stores in Yellowknife and redistributing that food to other organisations in the City. They rescue more than 100,000 pounds of food per year.
Yellowknife, Dettah, and N'Dilo Food System Assessment (YK Health and Social Services report completed in 2010)
Food Secure Canada is an organisation that works on food security policy in Canada.
UN Report on the Right to Food (Dec 2010)