Y Gardening Workshop
The Yellowknife Community Garden Collective (YCGC) and Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) in the North Slave Region collaborated in hosting a gardening workshop in Yellowknife on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at the Tree of Peace, 5011 – 51st Street in Yellowknife.
YCGC brought a seasoned Arctic Agricultural expert, Dr. Stephen C. Brown from the Agricultural Extension Services at the University of Alaska to be the main presenter of “Gardening North of 60” workshop. The workshop was open to anyone interested in learning more about growing food and increasing production. All topics were climatically appropriate to our area.
The workshop topics included:
“Chicken University” how to raise chickens year-round in Northern climates from
“Grow Your Garden Better Next Year”
Understanding soil nutrients and fertilizers (organic and conventional), Analyzing vegetable growth and problem solving in the garden, and a brief presentation about Northern greenhouses. The day will concluded with “Questions and Answers” where participants can bring any North of 60 gardening question for Dr. Brown to answer.
The event was free and no prior registration was required. About 100 people attended.