About Us
Interested in a Garden Plot? If you are interested in gardening in Yellowknife, and either don't have a yard or don't have space in your yard to garden, you have come to the right place.
Our plots are 20-22 m2 in size depending on garden location. Fees are $25 per person, which includes a $10 membership fee and $15 plot fee. Plots must be shared between at least two people.
If you would like to receive news, notices, and information about upcoming events from the Community Garden Collective, you can sign up for the news letter.
If you have questions that you can't answer from this website, or if you have questions for any of the members of the Board of Directors, please visit the contact us page.
Objectives of the Collective
The Collective began in 1995, and completed garden expansions in 2001, 2008, 2010 and 2014. The Collective currently has 233 gardening members at 6 locations in the City. The objectives of the Collective are
• To provide a place to garden for people who wish to produce their own fresh, nutritious, organic, locally grown vegetables and herbs;
• To provide education and hands-on experience in the creation and maintenance of an environmentally sustainable, organic garden in a northern environment;and
• To assist in the food security needs of the whole community by providing food for people in need through donations to local charities.